
A good experience....

Hey Everyone, today I'm here again with another non-book related post. I got a lot of good feedback after my 19 things I learned in 19 years-post (if you haven't read that one yet go and check it out), so I've decided that I'm going to do more of these kind of posts.
I was actually thinking about, what I should write about and I realized I had a really good experience last week and I think I want to share it with you. So last monday I was getting ready for training and one of my teammates, a four year old little girl came over to me and asked me how was my competition. She was looking at me with her big eyes and I told her I finished at 10th place. And her answer was: I'm sooooo proud of you! This just made my day, even my whole week. Every day she comes to the dressing room and is instantly looking for me to give me a big hug. And that is it. But it makes my day so much better.
And I have so many people in my life, who just drop by sometimes and make my day, when I just feel like I can't go on. It's like someone is always watching me and sends a random person to cheer me up. It is the best thing in the word, but also a little bit creepy. When you're just casually walking down the street and a weird guy comes to you out of nowhere to tell you how beautiful you are and he wants to ask you out. Or when you go to the dressing room and all the little kids are coming to hug you right away and to say hi. In these moments I personally feel a little bit more important. And even if I feel like I'm falling apart, it's a little bit easier to hold it together if someone thinks I can do it.
I hope you enjoyed reading this short blogpost and let me know if you have experienced the same as me, because I cannot be the only one.
Bye, Bianka-Nikoletta

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