
19 things I learned in 19 years

Hey Guys, today I'm not going to write about books, I have a different kind of post for you today. Yesterday I was thinking during class and I really like to read this kind of posts so, I thought I want to share 19 things I learned during my life until this point.
1. You always have to get up.- Okay, I know this one sounds like a cliché, but it's one of the most important things in life. Even if you don't want to, maybe the next moment will hold you something better.
2. If you dress well, you'll feel well.- This is one thing I compensate with, if I'm feeling a little bit down. It's only logic: if you look good in the mirror, maybe it cheers you up, or at least it works for me.
3.Your mind is the most powerful thing in the world.- I recently learned this in the hard way and at first I didn't realise it was up to me to feel better. Now, I know and am learning how to control it.
4. You deserve to live.- It's pretty self explanatory. It's in connection, with taking every moment and possibility out there, because they are there for you to take them.
5. You're not your numbers.- It doesn't matter if it's your weight or if it's the grade you get at school, it doesn't have to define you.
6. Welcome feelings, because they are there for a reason. - For a long time, I only focused on the good feelings and I was able to shut the bad ones out. But one day when I was feeling down, it all came back to me in one big giant bad-emotion ball and crashed me to pieces. But I'm starting to learn, how to handle all kinds of feelings.
7. Being introverted doesn't mean you're antisocial.- Trough my hole life I was told, that I'm antisocial, because I enjoyed spending time alone, curled up with a good book or watching a tv-show, but it's not true, because everyone is different and we enjoy different things.
8. Being rebellious is not a bad thing. - This one sounds a little weird, but for me it means, I never excepted, when someone told me I wasn't capable of something. It only made me angrier and it helped me to prove them wrong.
9. Sooner or later you'll get there, you just have to work more.- I was always a late-bloomer, so I was always a little bit behind people at my age. It took me more time to achieve certain things, but it taught me to never give up, because sooner or later you'll get there and you will be everything they told you'll never be.
10. Practice makes perfect.- This one is pretty obvious, but I had to include it here, because it's important.
11. Not all friendships are for life.- This I learned trough so many friendships and basically, with some of those people I still don't talk, because  we had such a big fight at the end. I slowly understood, that some people are just passing by in your life and after they taught you what they had to, they just move on and you have to except it, because otherwise there is going to be a lot of tension and fighting.
12. People don't go away, because they don't like you or you aren't good enough.- I've spent a lifetime  thinking that certain people left me, because I wasn't good enough to make them stay, but now I know that they simply found a new goal or a better possibility and that decision had nothing to do with me.
13. Watching TV-shows is rewarding.- This one is a really important one, because that is how my English started to improve. Or actually this is the way I learned to speak English. So if anyone tells me, that watching TV-shows instead of studying is not gonna take me anywhere, I just tell them my story. But studying is really important to, I just have a good reasoning.
14. YA books are good for you. Every book is good for you.- Reading books was and still is one of my favorite things to do. It was my hiding place from anything uncomfortable and nowadays it is a way for me to switch off and relax.
15. Sometimes the people, who you least expect, can surprise you.- Right now in my life I'm surrounded with such amazing and loving people. If someone says to me that these people are going to stand by me no matter what five years ago, I would honestly have laughed.
16. Letting things go is a good thing.- This took me a long time to realize, but I feel like I finally understood.
17. You have to learn how to lose.- I am an athlete and I'm still competing, which means a lot of the times I have to stand there and pose on pictures, knowing that I lost the competition. But it only made me work harder and I also learned to respect the other competitors.
18. Not having a plan is not bad.- I didn't have a plan about what I want to be when I grow up and I still don't have one. And only now I realized that it doesn't matter, because not anyone can decide about her whole life at 19. Just do things you like and you will figure it out hopefully.
19. Growing up won't happen in a magical, unexpected moment. - I am still waiting on that, but I don't think it will ever come. It's a long process and it doesn't have to happen at a certain age. I'm 19, but I don't feel grown up.
So, these were the most important things I learned trough my life until this point. I hope you enjoyed reading this "short" list. What is the most important thing you learned in your life? Share in the comment section, if you want to, because I'm really curious.
Until next time,


Prisoners of night and fog- book review

Hello Everyone,
I'm here with another book review. Recently I've been studying lots and lots of history and I really got into it more than ever before, thanks to my amazing history teacher. This year we studied about WWI and WWII and about the time in-between. I got sucked into politics and next year I want to study international relations. Back to the topic the political changes between the WWI and WWII were particularly interesting to me. But the most interesting parts were those politicians, who could make everyone follow them blindly and just make the people listen to them. The ones, who could coat the truth in sugar and make people support those awful things. One of these politicians was Hitler. I couldn't imagine, why people would follow him or support him so blindly. And this is the part were todays book comes in. The prisoners of night and fog by Ann Blankman is a fascinating historical fiction, which takes place in Munich 1931, almost 10 years after the Beer putsch, where Hitler was arrested and sent to prison. Our main character in this story is Gretchen Müller, who calls Hitler "Uncle Dolf" and is the National Socialist Party's favorite. She is in his inner circle and follows him blindly. Her father was shot during the beer putsch, while he protected Hitler with his own body. That's why her family is still taken care of by the NSDAP. Her brother, Reinhard is aggressive, cool, stone cold and animalistic in my opinion. And he is an SA (Sturmabteilug) officer. Her mother doesn't do anything about Reinhard. She just takes it and says he is just very impulsive. So one night Gretchen goes with Eva Braun and her brother and one of his friends to meet with "Uncle Dolf" for dinner. And on the way they see a Jew. Her brother and his friend try to hit him with the car and after they don't succeed, they get out of the car and start to beat him. Just because he is a Jew. So Gretchen sees this and get's out of the car to stop them, at the same tame she knows immediately it was a mistake, because she can't defend a "subhuman". And someone hears her stop them. So then this reporter contacts her, saying that he knows something about her fathers death and he want's information in exchange. Gretchen desperately wants to know the truth and together they start to investigate her father's death, which turns out to be a murder after all. There is just one problem: It's not enough, that she investigates, the reporter, who she works with is a Jew. It's really eye opening how Gretchen starts to see the truth between Hitlers words and acts. She has a really big character development in this book, which is great in my opinion. She slowly start to learn the situation with the Jews and how things work inside the Party. I liked the picture about Munich in this book, because it was very realistic. Fiction was very well combined, with history. After reading this book I feel like I understand, what went down in those years and not just because some of the characters aren't fictions. It was good because the atmosphere of this book was also awfully realistic . Anne Blankman did a great job, with this book. If you're interested in history or even if you aren't, or you just want read a book with twists and turns and a little bit of hopeless and forbidden love this is the book for you.
Until next time,


My favorite romantic books

Hello Everyone,
 since it was Valentine's day on Sunday, I thought the best topic to write about this week, is romantic book. So today I'm telling you the top 3 books I read, when I'm craving for a little bit of romance. And let's be honest, I'm not celebrating Valentine's day, but I always get into the mood, because everyone around me is like they are in a big, fluffy, pink bubble for a week before and a week after Valentines day. So here are my top 3 romantic books (in no particular order) :
Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles: It's a really simple, but at the same time very well written story of a Mexican gang-member, who wants to be good and about a popular good-girl, who doesn't want to get involved with gang-members. It's the kind of book, when the girl has everything, but she feels like she has nothing and the bad boy who is actually good comes and makes her feel alive again. Kind of a retelling of Romeo and Juliet story, told from two points of view, with twists and turns. Do you need more than that?!
On the fence by Kasie West: This one is about a girl, who is always hanging out with her older brothers and the neighbor boy, Braiden. The main character Charlie is a tomboy and she never looked at Braiden as a potential boyfriend, she was alway blending in with the boys. They start to talk at night trough the fence between their gardens and they slowly grow closer, but there are obstacles on the way and at the end everything comes together.
The DUFF by Cody Keplinger: A funny story about Bianka and Wesley, who originally hate each other, but Bianca needs a distraction, so they get into this crazy friends with benefits relationship, only without the friend part and it causes some trouble between them towards the end. I really loved this book because it has a more serious line in it, since Bianka's father is an alcohol addict, since her mother left them. And it's really interesting to see how that effect a family. But there is another thing, what this book teaches you: everyone is someones DUFF.
I've got your number by Sophie Kinsella: Sophie Kinsella is pone of my favorite authors and I love the Shopaholic series, but this one is a romantic standalone, which you can pick up, if you need an instant boost of romantic. So this one is about Poppy, who is preparing to get married and on her bridal-shower, she loses her ring. She finds a phone in a trash can and starts to use it because something happened to hers. The phone belonged to a secretary and the boss of this person starts to bother her and they kind of start to talk trough the phone and get to know each other. While that happens Poppy starts to have doubts about the wedding etc. At the end everything falls into place.
Anna and the french kiss by Stephanie Perkins: I know I said the books aren't in any particular order, but this one is my absolute favorite book of all times. This one takes place in Paris and our main character Anna was sent there to study in the American High School and she is not happy about it. But the she finds this group of friends and one of them is Etienne St. Clair. He is handsome, smart, and has an accent. He and Anna start to grow closer and closer, but of course there are some things in the way of their relationship. While reading this book you can actually feel the tension between the two main characters. It's like you are really in the book with the characters. Soo good!
So these books were my picks for this Valentine's day book recommendation. Btw.: What are your favorite contemporary romances to read? Let me know in the comments below. I hope you had and amazing Valentine's day, with or without a book and I'll see you soon.


Embassy Row series by Ally Carter

Hey Everyone, yesterday I finished one of my most anticipated reads this year. I know it's only February, but when I read the first book in the series last year, which is All fall down, I wanted to put my hands on the second book immediately. If you're not familiar with the author, Ally Carter, she is one of my favorite authors, because her writing is amazing. She wrote the Gallagher Academy series, which is about a school for spies and there are missions and great characters, with enough amount of fun, drama and love. You should go check it out, I finished the entire series in two months (it's a six book series), which is really rare for me, because usually I like to take breaks, while reading a series, but these books just sucked me in and didn't let me go. Anyway back to the topic, these new books from Ally Carter are on a hole new level and I would even consider the characters more realistic and even more grown up, then the ones in the GA series. The story takes place in a fictional country Adria and our main character Grace moves there, because her Grandfather is the US Ambassador for the longest time there and Graces mother was even born in Adria. It's really interesting how the writer describes the Embassy Row, because all the embassies for different countries are in a circle around the city. The funny thing is every different embassy is part of a different country, so if you have a friend from the Russian Embassy and you're from the US, then you can not just go and knock on their door, because that could cause a war. It's really interesting and funny. So Grace arrives in Adria and we get to know her a little bit more. Her mother was murdered and she remembers a Scarred Man killing her mother. Everyone thinks she is crazy, no one believes her. She is really dark and scared and angry. Her father and brother are soldiers so that's why she is moving to her Grandfather. So she slowly starts to find friends from other embassies and she even has a cute russian boy watching over her. One day she sees the Scarred Men in Adria and obviously no one believes her, because she had accused many men with facial scars over the year. She goes into this crazy mission to find her mothers killer, but what she finds out at the end will break her.
In my opinion if you liked the Gallagher Academy series or if you love adventure, fun and shocking plot-twists, you should definitely pick up this book, you won't be disappointed, I promise.
Until next time,


January wrap-up

Hey Everyone,
today I'm going to do a january wrap-up as you could see from the title. This is going to be my first wrap-up post. I'm going to try to do a post like this every month, but It's only going to be interesting, if I don't post reviews about every book I read in the month. It's also the one month "anniversary" of the blog and I'm so happy I started it. So let's see what I've read this month:
My true love gave to me- edited by Stephanie Perkins: Well I read this book after Christmas, so I technically finished it in January. I have a review about this one, this was actually one of the first reviews on my blog. This book was so adorable and romantic and I would definitely recommend it for everyone, who is looking for a light Christmas-read. If you are not familiar with this book and what it's about, then check out my review here on the blog: http://booksdreamsandlifestyle.blogspot.hu/2016/01/my-true-love-gave-to-me-book-review.html
November 9 by Colleen Hoover: This book is a New Adult romance novel, filled with a lot of emotions and twists. It's interesting because the two main characters meet on the same day every year and we only get to see them on that one day every year. To see a longer review about this one click on the link: http://booksdreamsandlifestyle.blogspot.hu/2016/01/november-9-by-colleen-hoover-review.html
The young elites by Marie Lu: This was my least favorite read in January. It's not because I hated it, it's because the story wasn't interesting to me. I'm sure I'm going to continue reading the series, but the first book didn't impress me so far.
The last time we say goodbye by Cynthia Hand: This story is about so many many things, but maybe its main topic is besides teenage suicide is,what happens to those people, who are left behind. In this book Lex has to deal with her brothers death and also find her way back to normal life without her brother. I loved this book and it moved me in so many ways. I would totally recommend this, if you are looking for a really emotional read. Here is my review about it: http://booksdreamsandlifestyle.blogspot.hu/2016/01/the-last-time-we-say-goodbye-by-cynthia.html
Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell: I'm going to be honest: this book has been sitting on my shelf for ever and I felt really guilty because of it. I bought it 2 years ago when I was in England, because it was on sale and everyone said it's really good. This was my first Rainbow Rowell book and I kind of like her writing style. I am definitely going to pick up an other Rainbow Rowell book some time in the future. A quick summary about the book: It's about two teenagers, who start to sit beside each other on the bus and as they start to get to know each other they fall in love. They are also bot super-weird. This book is about a one-of-a-kind romance, which you will enjoy, because it feels real and sometimes irritating.
So these were the books I read this year so far and almost all of them were amazing and entertaining. I hope you enjoyed reading my wrap-up.
Talk to you soon,