
Glass sword book review- SPOILERS!

Hello Everyone, I feel like it's been a long time since I have done a review, but maybe it has something to do with the fact, that I feel like reading Glass sword  by Victoria Aveyard took me very long time. I mean really long time. Usually I finish a book in a week and this one took me more than two weeks. But after reading it I'm not disappointed at all. There was a good amount of plot twists in this sequel. I didn't have high expectations for this book. If you haven't read this book or you haven't read Red queen yet, don't continue reading, because there are spoilers below.
So, know let's talk about the real-stuff. At the beginning of this book I needed to catch up a little bit, because it's been a year since I read Red Queen. It was really confusing at the beginning, but after a little bit of time I remembered everything. I forgot, how much I loved this world. Let's start with the things I liked in this book.
The thing I loved in this book was how easily it solved the Kilorn-Mare situation. I mean the fact that Kilorn loves Mare appeared to me in the first book, but I thought there will be a big scene and yelling, you know the usual love-triangle solving situation in Ya books. But instead it was simple and not overreacted. I loved that.
Every corner had a plot twist and every time I picked this book up, ran into a plot-twist. I love when a book does that. When Kilorn "betrayed" Mare, my heart was literally crushed into pieces. And although I expected Mare to surrender, I thought she would run into a trap on the Choke or something like that. Instead she pulled the classic "I surrender, so my loved-ones can live" move. And that ending..... She cannot die, right?! And one more thing: Shade is dead?! Through this book he became my new favorite character and now? He is dead. Why does this happen to me all the time?
My other favorite thing in this book was, that it contained some love and romantics, but it was settle and in the background. It's clear that this book wasn't about that. It was better this way, because otherwise it would've felt forced. I personally think it was a good idea to put the romantic part sort of into the background. It was there, but not  quite there.
The actions of Maven were interesting, although I think part of him still has feelings for the Little lightening girl, after she killed her mother, he wants nothing more, than see her dead. But at the same time it would be too merciful to put her dead body on display and before that humiliate her, compared to his previous actions. So I think, even if Mare dies in the next book, it will be far more interesting than we think.
In this book Mare really lost herself in my opinion, she even started to act as a villain. She reminds me a little bit of Adelina, from The Young Elites book by Marie Lu. She knows she is doing bad things deep down, but she justifies it with her own pain. At the same time she is very focused on her goal and doesn't care about anything else, until she reached it. Meanwhile she is confused and doesn't know what to do. Mare was irritating for me at some points, but she just became more realistic personality throughout the book.
Cal and Farley didn't had much to do except helping Mare find newbloods. I really hope, in the next book they will have more actions. I feel like the Shade and Farley romance wasn't worked out well, but I think it was what made it more heart wrenching and shocking in the end. Maybe in the next book we will know more about it.Cal also had his on fight in this book and it would have deserved a bigger part in the story, in my opinion, so I hope we will get more from him and his side of the story in the next book. Or a short-story would be great too.
Altogether it was a fascinating book and I don't know how I'm going to wait another year for the next book. I WANT IT NOW. Make sure to share your thoughts on the book in the comment section and also if you have any topic recommendations for me to write about or a book-recommendation, comment that down below too.
Until next time,


5+1 Books I wish to be adopted into movies

Hey Everyone, last week I didn't really had the time to write anything, so I thought I would do a post about the books I think would be pretty good movie materials. Because I think we all had that feeling after reading a good book, that it would be a fantastic movie. Because seeing a book you love made into a movie is like relieving the whole thing again (kind of), at least for me. On the other hand, when I hear that one of the books I adore is optioned for a movie or a tv-show, I right away feel nervous about it. The truth is not all book-to-movie adaptation turn out well these days.
So here are the five books I think would be really good movies:
1. Anna and the french kiss by Stephanie Perkins: I had to include this one, because it's my ultimate favorite book and as I said at the beginning of this post, seeing it on the big screen would be like relieving this book or at least the feelings it gave. I would also be very curious about the actors and actresses in this movie, because they are really cool characters in this book.
2. Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard: This book is so amazing and it would really deserve to be a adopted into a movie. Although I can't imagine how the silvers would look like on the big screen, it would be a spectacular movie.
3. Legend by Marie Lu: Yes. I need another dystopian teen move franchise, because I need something good after what people did with the Divergent-series. I would really like to see Day and June on the big screen, and also to see that world come alive would be great too.
4. Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson: This book moved me in so many ways and I think if it would be made into a movie, more people would get to know it's story and message. It would be a depressing movie but it would be worth it.
5. Tiger Lily by Jodie Lynn Anderson: Not enough movies are taking place in Neverland. And almost none of them has Tiger Lily in the focus. This book made me feel so many things and it would be interesting to see a new Neverland concept.
+1. Confessions of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella: I know there was a movie, but I didn't like it. It's practically one of my favorite series out there and I don't think the movie was as funny and as relatable as the book is, at least for me.
So these were the books, I would like to see on the big screen or maybe even on a small screen. What books do you wish to be made into a movie or a TV-show? Let me know in the comment section. Also if you have any recommendations for different blog posts, comment down below.
Bye B


My life next door book review

Hey Everyone, 
sorry for uploading this post a day later, but for one I didn’t had a book review and two I was kind of out of topics to write about. So i figured, I would do a short review today about a book read recently. My life next door by Huntley Fitzpatrick is one of the cutest romantic YA book I read. It’s definitely not the best, but it was very good. It is such a fast read, I read it in two days. My only complaint about it is maybe how fast it ended. And I’m not going to go into details, but towards the end the book finally had a complication and things just go unrealistic and nothing is well-worked out. The story is basically about a girl, who lives with her mum and her rebellious sister. Her mum is a senator and very critical with everyone. And there is the Garret family, living next door, with entirely different attitude: they are loud and nice and welcoming with everyone. Sam (the main character) always watches them from her balcony. In the Garret family always happens something and I think she enjoyed watching how this whole big family works. So one day one of the boys next door climbs up to her, while she is watching them. And after that Sam is kind of becomes part of the family. And of course she fells in love with that boy. Although the end is a little bit rushed and basic, I would totally recommend it if you want to read a romantic book, with a cute firs-love type of romance.
If you already read this book,please tell me in the comment section what you thought about it or if comment down below if you can think of any topic I should write about.
Until next time,


Conspiracy of blood and smoke by Anne Blankman book review

Hello Everyone, it's time for another book review. I finished this book today and although usually I wait for a day or two before writing a review, just to think about it a little bit more and have time for all my feelings to settle down a little bit. But this book was so good, I had to write this post right away, because I have so many thoughts just going around my head.
So as you probably can tell from the title, today I'm going to talk about Conspiracy of blood and smoke by Anne Blackman. It's the sequel to Prisoners of night and fog (click this link for my review: http://booksdreamsandlifestyle.blogspot.hu/2016/02/prisoners-of-night-and-fog-book-review.html) and it's also the final book in the series, since it's a duology. I was really afraid, because let's face it: sequels aren't always the best and this book had to perform as a finishing book in a series too. I was very surprised to see, that it just got better after the first one and the dynamic of the story was also really good. If you haven't read the firs book, then don't continue reading, because it may contain spoilers and believe me you don't want to miss these plot-twists.
I think one of the best things in this book was the fact that it started months after they arrived in England and it was really good to see Gretchen finally have a normal family and have a normal life. And I was surprised, how fast things got complicated again.  I was expecting Gretchen to investigate by herself, while Daniel was held capture somewhere. Bur this was even better, because I got to see something I hardly ever see in book romances: real problems. When it came out, how miserable Daniel felt in Oxford and they started struggling throughout the whole book with this problem, it gave a really real feeling to the story, it gave a normal side to it. Because even if they ran away together and were safe, one of them had to give up everything to be with the other. And the other was kind of having a perfect life. And I was surprised to see that they were realistic about the problem and they worked it out at the end almost as normal people would do. I was also pleased to see, that this book continued to paint a very realistic picture, about Germany at that time and the events, for example the Reichstag fire or the Enabling Act just added to the experience. Learning about the Rings in Germany was interesting as well. One of my favorite characters in this book was actually Friedrich, because although he was a criminal, he was taking care of his own people, so you can imagine I was really sad to see him die. It was good to see that not everyone agreed with the National Socialists (even if they seemed like it) and for example, Gennat even kind of helped the Rings against them. Throughout the whole book I was waiting for a Gretchen-Hitler face off and I was really glad to see it towards the end. I feel like the scene with Churchill at the end could have been longer, but it was meant to set the "happy-ending" to the story in my opinion.
The one thing I couldn't quite understand was the way Daniel acted at some parts of the book. I get that this whole thing was about his pride and etc., but in his place I would've gone to my family and take them out from the country first and then start to investigate, because I was actually really surprised, the SA didn't take his family. I like this side of him, the fearless one, who always want the truth to come out, but in my opinion he is putting his own feeling into it a little bit too much. I am certain that some of the need to take down the National Socialists is coming from the frustration, because of his months in England, doing almost nothing.
Altogether I think this was an amazing historical-fiction and I would really like to see more about Gretchen and Daniels lives, maybe during or after the war, but at the same time I feel like it was finished really well. If you are interested in reading a book which you'll not be able to put down, definitely read this, because it's worth it.
If you read this book, what  is you're opinion about it?
Until next time,


A good experience....

Hey Everyone, today I'm here again with another non-book related post. I got a lot of good feedback after my 19 things I learned in 19 years-post (if you haven't read that one yet go and check it out), so I've decided that I'm going to do more of these kind of posts.
I was actually thinking about, what I should write about and I realized I had a really good experience last week and I think I want to share it with you. So last monday I was getting ready for training and one of my teammates, a four year old little girl came over to me and asked me how was my competition. She was looking at me with her big eyes and I told her I finished at 10th place. And her answer was: I'm sooooo proud of you! This just made my day, even my whole week. Every day she comes to the dressing room and is instantly looking for me to give me a big hug. And that is it. But it makes my day so much better.
And I have so many people in my life, who just drop by sometimes and make my day, when I just feel like I can't go on. It's like someone is always watching me and sends a random person to cheer me up. It is the best thing in the word, but also a little bit creepy. When you're just casually walking down the street and a weird guy comes to you out of nowhere to tell you how beautiful you are and he wants to ask you out. Or when you go to the dressing room and all the little kids are coming to hug you right away and to say hi. In these moments I personally feel a little bit more important. And even if I feel like I'm falling apart, it's a little bit easier to hold it together if someone thinks I can do it.
I hope you enjoyed reading this short blogpost and let me know if you have experienced the same as me, because I cannot be the only one.
Bye, Bianka-Nikoletta


February Wrap-up

Hey Everyone, here I am with my sad and really short February wrap-up. So as you can tell from the previous sentence, it wasn't a good reading-month for me. I didn't even realise this month was over, let alone the fact that I only read THREE books. Yes, only three. Maybe I had a reading slump or I didn't really find time to read. So here are the books I read in February:
Prisoners of night and fog by Anne Blankman: I loved this book so much and I'm so excited to rad the second book in March. This is a historical fiction set in the 1930s in Munich, when Hitler is becoming more and more influential. I have a review about this book, so if you're interested go check it out: http://booksdreamsandlifestyle.blogspot.hu/2016/02/prisoners-of-night-and-fog-book-review.html
Slammed by Colleen Hoover: Let's just say, this was my Valentines-day read of the year and it was a really good romance novel altogether. The story was predictable, but I'm always up for a little bit of romance.
Dorothy must die by Danielle Paige: I have mixed feelings about this one, because I liked almost everything in it, but I feel like this just wasn't a book for me. Altogether it was a really great book, I liked the characters and I think the picture about Dorothy in this one is pretty realistic, it is something I would think to happen.
Yes, that was it. I hope next month I will be able to read more and be more active on blog. If you have read any of this books, what did you think about them? Share your opinion in the comment, because I'm very curious about it.
Until next time