
My 2016

Hey Everyone,
I hope you all had an amazing New Year's Eve, today I am here with a post about my 2016. I feel like it was a year worth looking back to so here it is.
The one word that instantly comes into my mind when I think about 2016 is change. It changed me into a whole new person and it changed my life. And I can say it was all for the better. 2016 was full of heart-breaks, laugh, happiness, new friends, new energies and lessons. I grew so much during this past "short" 12 months, that its hard for me to even collect everything that has happened. This year I finally got to a point where I am happy with my life and the people who surround me. I am even happy about my most heartbreaking decision ever, which was to quit figure skating.
I just cannot get over the fact how many new people I got to know this year and how many good friends I got. Also I have experienced that sometimes the people who you weren't close with before can be one of your closest friends. But on the other side I lost friends, which just breaks my heart, but sometimes you grew apart and there is nothing you can do about it. I hope one day I will be able to be friends with these people, but right now I just can't.
My writing has grown as well and I realised I can write poems. Lately that's all I am writing. It's a new way for me to express myself and I just love it so much. Btw., if you want to read my poems, tell me in the comments, although they are Hungarian and I will share them in the future.
Apart from all the things above, I have never felt so much love and support from the people around me as I did in 2016. I never felt so loved before and I never really felt like I belonged somewhere else than the ice. And here I am feeling that I belong and not just to one place. Writing my blog, university, doing bookstagram and also having a circle of friends, I know I can turn to, whenever I want to.
I didn't complete my reading goal this year, but I am not disappointed at all, because I read so many great books in 2016. This year I couldn't read as much as I wanted to, but it was definitely one of my best reading years ever.
Thank you all for following me in 2016 and I hope you'll stick with me for the next year as well.
Until next time,

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