
5 things that make me happy

Hey Everyone, I hope you're all having an amazing day, I am here with a very personal post today, since I realized how many things changed in my life in the past couple of months, I thought I would share 5 things that make me happy right now. Not all of the things are super big or life changing things, but I thought it's always nice to think about things, that cheer you up or make you happy. And who knows, maybe this post will inspire you to think about the things in your life that make you happy.
1. The people around me.
It sounds strange, but I never felt entirely happy with the people surrounding me. I am one of those people, who needs her environment to be very positive and full with good vibes, because let's say I am very sensitive to the mood and the vibes around me. And now I finally feel like I am surrounded with extremely good people and I cannot help but smile all the time.
2. Being able to experience new things.
This is one of those things I could have done before as well, I just never had the chance to be spontaneous. There was always something scheduled. And now I can go wherever I want to, exactly when I want to. Just this possibility is a new experience for me. And also I am very enjoying to experience my limits, although it's not unicorns and rainbows all the time, but it's very useful. I just realised so many things about myself in the past couple of months and although there is no regret in me for giving those up until now, I cannot imagine not having them in my life right now.
3. Stretching my boundaries.
Most of my life I was more an introvert, especially in my teenage years and honestly as weird as it sounds the world is just opening for me now. I get to go out more and as I said previously I have the possibility to be spontaneous. I start to realise how tight my boundaries were and it feels good to stretch it. And, yes sometimes I just cross a line with that and freak out, but hey, that's another experience too. I am very enjoying to experience my limits, although it's not unicorns and rainbows all the time, it's very useful. I just realised so many things about myself in the past couple of months and although there is no regret in me for giving those up until now, I cannot imagine not having them in my life right now.
4. Write again.
Writing has been such a vital part of my life since I was a kid, it was a way of coping with things in my life for me. And through the previous year it seemed like I have lost my voice. That is part of the reason I started this blog. I thought if I start to write in English for a change, maybe I will be able to write in Hungarian an well. It didn't work out the way I wanted it to (it turns out I like writing poems), but still, I got my voice back. And also I got something entirely different out of blogging as well:I got a bunch of new book-friends and I get to share my opinion about books with a whole community. That's sounds like jackpot for me.
5.Feel good in my body.
Outside of the ice rink I was always shy and quiet and I never wore clothing that caught eyes. Considering the fact that I always had the shortest skirt and the sexiest dress when it came to figure skating dresses, it sounds weird. I think I started to mix the two "personalities"together finally and it is working really well. I am just looking through my closet and seeing all those oversized clothing I wore in the past couple of years I just feel sad. I just feel like I could've shown a lot more of my personality though my clothing instead of hiding in it.
I just cannot tell you how happy I feel, because of these little things in my life and I just cannot tell you how grateful I am for all the above and for you of course, for reading my inner thoughts. I hope I inspired you to think about you're life a little bit and if you feel like it, please share one thing in the comments that make you happy at the moment.
See you later,

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